Grant Writing

How to Put Grant Writing on Resume

how to Put Grant Writing on resume

Grant writing is a great skill as it helps in securing the funding for numerous projects and activities. The goal is to persuade possible funders to invest in an idea or cause by delivering an appealing narrative. In this article, you will learn how to put grant writing on resume. The ability to obtain grants can have a big impact on your career, whether you work for a non-profit, in academia, or in business. Writing words on a page is not enough; you also need to make a case for the project’s significance and influence to secure the funding required for its completion.

How to Write a Grant Proposal for Education

Effective grant writing requires the ability to present a clear vision, particularly when requesting funding for initiatives that have the potential to effect positive change. Writing grants is like telling a compelling story to get the support and interest of investors.

Grant writing is the process of convincing others to fund projects or ideas. It involves conducting thorough research to gather data that supports the proposal. To build a strong case, it is important to communicate the project’s objectives and methods clearly and persuasively. 

Grant writing also involves applying for various types of grants, each with specific criteria related to fields such as community development, healthcare, or education. Understanding these basics is crucial to successfully navigating the grant writing process.

Showcasing Grant Writing Skills on a Resume:

skills on resume

Identifying Relevant Experience

It’s important to highlight your grant writing abilities on your resume by emphasizing experiences that relate to the position you’re looking for. Go over your prior grant writing experience and choose the projects that specifically align with the demands of the desired position.

Put a focus on detail and relevance by emphasizing experiences that demonstrate your abilities to fulfill the demands of the potential employer. For example, highlight your experience in that sector if the job involves healthcare grants to show your knowledge.

Creating a Dedicated Section

To draw the employer’s attention, create a separate section specifically for it; this aspect should be positioned strategically. If grant writing is a major component of the position you’re going for, it is ideal to put it close to the top of your resume.

If you’re wondering how to put a grant writing on resume, then a good practice is to discuss it in specific sections like skills and work experience. Use clear language and highlight the primary duties and accomplishments of each grant writing position when discussing it. Your proficiency in grant writing might be promptly grasped by the employer with this structure.

Highlighting Achievements and Impact

In this section, instead of just listing your responsibilities, it’s important to go beyond that. Encourage applicants to highlight specific achievements and the measurable impact of their grant writing efforts. For instance, if you were able to secure funding for a community project, mention the exact amount of funds you managed to secure. If your grant led to certain project milestones being achieved, make sure to emphasize those accomplishments.

By showcasing the concrete results of your grant writing work, you provide evidence of your effectiveness in obtaining support and driving successful projects. This not only enhances the credibility of your resume but also paints a clear picture of the value you bring to the table.

By effectively showcasing your grant writing skills on a resume requires strategically selecting relevant experiences, creating a dedicated resume section, and placing emphasis on specific achievements and impacts. This approach ensures that your resume effectively communicates your expertise in grant writing to potential employers.

Additional Tips and Considerations:

Tips and Considerations

Including Relevant Keywords

When writing a resume, it’s important to choose attention-grabbing phrases that are related to the industry and grant writing in particular. When analyzing resumes, companies frequently look for phrases like “project management,” “grant proposal,” or “community outreach,” which shows how well your resume suits their expectations.

Professional Development and Certifications

Adding any relevant certifications or courses you’ve taken can make your resume stand out. Grant writing certifications increase your credibility since they attest to your academic education. This not only demonstrates your abilities but also lets potential employers know that you’ve gone above and beyond to further your knowledge.


In conclusion, to make a good impression when writing a job application, it’s important to learn you need to plan well and use clear language. Through the techniques discussed in this blog, you must now know how to put grant writing on resume. It is like presenting an engaging narrative about your qualifications and achievements. Your capacity to obtain money for significant initiatives is demonstrated by showing your grant writing experiences.

Recall that your work should not only be listed tasks; it should also showcase individual accomplishments and the benefits of your effort. It’s important to customize your resume for each job application; picture it as dressing appropriately for every situation. To get the employer’s attention, include phrases that are relevant to the job description. You should also think about including certificates to establish your trustworthiness.

Getting input from others is akin to obtaining a second view of your narrative, which can aid in its continuous improvement and enhancement. Your CV is ultimately your story, so make sure it conveys your grant writing abilities well to improve your chances of getting the position you want. Thus, carefully consider how to tell your narrative and make sure it highlights the special value you may provide prospective employers. Read our grant writing blogs for more info.

People Also Asks

We can create a separate section that highlights my expertise in grant writing, emphasizing my accomplishments, relevant experiences, securing funding in previous roles, and their significance when crafting my CV.

By tailoring your CV to the job criteria of the company, you demonstrate to them that you’re a suitable fit. As the companies always look for such employees that have a specific skill set which can be valuable to them.

By matching your resume’s wording to that of the job description, keywords increase reader visibility. Attracting the employer by using the same attributes that they require is the sole purpose.

Certifications show formal grant writing training highlighting your areas of expertise and also add weightage and credibility.

Your resume will become clearer, more powerful, and more in line with industry standards with the help of feedback. It provides different perspectives and finds blind spots that were not visible earlier on.

Author Bio

Brian Bertrand

Brian Bertrand is a professional content writer with over five years of experience in the industry. He specializes in writing grant proposals, resumes, and cover letters for various clients, ranging from non-profit organizations, academic institutions, and individual job seekers. He has a knack for crafting persuasive and engaging content that showcases the strengths and achievements of his clients. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English and a certificate in grant writing from the University of California, Berkeley.

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